Author Archives: Kristin Carlson
Author Archives: Kristin Carlson
Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy) teaches us that we are more than just our physical bodies and that Reiki surrounds us as an energy body. Reiki energy connects on our spiritual and energetic levels. Distant Reiki sessions work because energy is not limited by distance. Distance is only a physical limitation, so sessions can be done without clients being physically present. We are all connected, as we are all energy matter and part of a larger whole.
A distant healing session can be done in a number of ways. The practitioner can use a proxy, use visualization, or use a projection of Reiki to send Reiki energy to someone else. The distant Reiki symbol joins the Reiki practitioner and the client together in a sacred healing space.
To receive distant Reiki healing you don’t have to do anything special, but it’s best to lie down and be still if possible. The recipient and healer can agree on a time beforehand and the person receiving simply needs to sit or lie down for the specified amount of time (typically a half hour or so). The effects of distant healing are virtually no different than hands-on healing. An experienced Reiki healer (level II or higher) can send healing energy to a person anywhere in the world no matter how far away from the healer they are. The energy transmissions in a remote session are just as strong as if they were delivered in person directly with the hands. Distant healings are ideal for those who don’t live in a reasonable distance from a practitioner, people who don’t have the means to travel to and from a healers office, or if you don’t particularly like someone touching you, a distance healer can provide the same benefit without the need to physically touch. Those who are interested in receiving a Reiki healing session do not have to be suffering from any type of illness to benefit from a session. Sessions can help keep the energy channels open, decreasing the likelihood of illness due to blocked Chakras. Sessions are affordable and keep your privacy intact. You can also order distant healing for your loved ones. While it is best if they are aware they are receiving a remote Reiki treatment so they can be open to receiving the most benefit, even if they aren’t aware the practitioner can send Reiki with the intention that they receive based on their own free will, asking their spirit guide (energy guide) to make the connection and ask permission.
Try a remote Reiki Session for yourself and experience the benefits. Don’t be surprised if it becomes your preferred method of healing!
– Renee,
Images from Sri’s beach class. One photo shows a dolphin from a pod that stayed close to shore all throughout the practice. The class did Dolphin pose to salute them.
Dolphins were gliding up and back a small stretch of the Pacific Coast near Point Dume in Malibu when I joined the two-leggeds in the sandy foreground for Yoga On The Beach with Sri Hari Moss. This would be an experiment of a group activity in COVID times.
A couple dozen masked people were unfurling their mats and towels at least six feet apart from each other. The morning mist and ocean breezes kept the fresh air gently moving. Nature’s big studio gave us room to stretch and connect without touching.
Sri’s voice was sometimes muffled because of his mask, but he led by visual example, and his soothing voice was usually heard for verbal guidance as we stretched to warm up. He had us do poses in connection with the ocean we could hear and see—Boat Pose, Dolphin Pose, and Fish Pose. He adapted his routine to the advantages of forgiving sand, not counting on a fixed foundation.
He let us all feel comfortable stepping out to avoid poses we weren’t ready for or to enjoy the dolphins. But he didn’t bore those who wanted to do headstands and be warriors in the winds.
It was luscious at the end, lying in the sand on our backs, eyes closed with the music of the sea and feeling coddled by sand.
From the beginning of humankind, the world has been full of disease — of the body, mind, and soul. And so much of our lives in modern times is full of the stresses of dis-ease. For centuries, “disease” meant lack of ease, before becoming a medical term.
Yoga is a beautiful opportunity to find ease and to feel ease. Kinks and cricks in the body can dissolve. Unconsciously clenched jaws and knotted muscles can relax. Persevering worries that can poison seem to evaporate. And with the right community, there is a gentle joy in being with others who want ease, not disease; “Namaste,” not negativity. Taking good care of self, deep breathing, meditation, connecting in spirit to nature, to others, to divinity can all ease the mind and spirit.
Many people remained after the outdoor class, talking about how good it felt to move, and enjoying seeing human beings against a real backdrop of nature’s beauty, not one of the imposed ones on visual conferencing programs.
You could see people’s eyes crinkled in the corners and knew that underneath those masks were some lovely smiles… smiles being one of the best beach poses for ease, not disease.
To wellness and wellbeing amidst the wonders. –Lisa Sonne
Sri is one of the great teachers at in Agoura Hills, now offering classes online. You can see more of Lisa Sonne’s writing at
by Allie Beckemeyer, MSc, Holistic Nutritionist
The gorgeous blooms and warmer days kissed with sunshine mark the arrival of spring! With spring comes the arrival of a new crop of seasonal produce in the markets: the verdant green of pea shoots, deep red of sweet strawberries, and delicate fragrance of dill. This transition in produce and frequency of warmer days marks the easy slip from the warming, cooked comfort dishes of winter into more raw dishes, bursting with earthy, bright, herbaceous flavors.
The best way to keep track of what is in “season” is to make a trip to your local farmers market. Chat with the farmers to see what they recommend – follow your nose, your eyes, and their passions to get the pulse on the best market buys. If they can’t stop talking about the lettuce they have this week, it might be worth trying! Expand your produce knowledge by reaching for unfamiliar varietals and asking the farmers how they might prepare them. Making the most of your trips to the farmers market will help you develop relationships with the farmers, too – they may start saving the best of the bunch for you!
One of my favorite (and easy) springtime side dishes is an herbed salad. Now, in some minds, the word “salad” may evoke images of stale salad bars with wilted iceberg lettuce and cold bacon bits, failed dieting attempts, or tasteless, boring workday lunches. If this is you, prepare to be amazed! The key to a salad done correctly, besides the dressing of course, is the combination of leaves and herbs. You can layer flavors of peppery, bitter, light and crunchy, and that is just with the leaves. Not only does a combination like this taste better, it also allows for the incorporation of a variety of nutrients. Mixed green salads have fiber that aids in digestion and detoxification, as well as key minerals like phosphorous, potassium, copper, iron, and magnesium. Watercress, for instance, has the important blood-clotting vitamin K (and the olive oil in the dressing helps the body absorb it!). Bitter leaves like arugula and dandelion stimulate the liver, increasing bile production, fat digestion, and more efficient absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (like the vitamin K from the watercress and vitamin A in the butter lettuce!). Cilantro helps the body detoxify heavy metals, and dill has the collagen-boosting vitamin C and folate, which supports red blood cell and DNA production. Mix your greens and herbs to enjoy a variety of health benefits in addition to greater flavor complexity.
One of my favorite salad combinations consists of butter lettuces, watercress, dandelion, cilantro, dill, and mint leaves. With a little lemon vinaigrette, this mixture is delicious, gorgeous, light and incredibly healthy! Store your herbs in glasses of water in the fridge, and keep the leaves in a plastic bag or container with plenty of air. Get creative with your herb and lettuce combinations – taste each on its own first and then create a stunning salad “bouquet”. Check out the recipe below and enjoy experimenting with your farmers markets finds!
Ingredients (serves 1):
Directions: Mix all ingredients in bowl & serve with a sandwich, vegetable omelet, or grilled fish!